Tecnologia e Educação: implicações da era digital sobre a prática docente



Educação a Distância; Tecnologias; Tutoria; Competências.


Digital technologies are increasingly present in the daily activities of the contemporary world, changing the ways in which people relate and communicate. In the educational scenario, which intends to develop the subjects in their entirety, distance education is currently growing as an important educational modality that uses information and communication means and technologies in order to promote educational activities in different places and times. We perceive a great movement of virtualization of teaching, in the perspective of e-learning. The teacher came to have several denominations, such as: online teacher, tutor, mediator etc. Based on reports by professors/tutors and students from two courses: one lato-sensu post-graduate course (specialization) and the other undergraduate courses, both carried out at a distance, this brief scenario presented us to reflect on the skills of the necessary teachers for the development and performance of distance learning via the internet. In addition to discussing the obstacles faced in this environment and the appropriate strategies to overcome the existing geographic and temporal distance between teacher-student, it seeks to problematize specific questions, such as: What difficulties were encountered by course participants and tutors? Which ones have been overcome? How did you overcome the difficulties? Through the analysis of electronic messages and observations made in the virtual learning environment of the undergraduate course, it was possible to draw a profile of the student from the interactions carried out (via e-mail) with the teachers/tutors. The most recurrent were: empathic, accusing and aggressive profile.

 Keywords: Distance Education; Technologies; Mentoring; Skills.


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How to Cite

Guedes, R. (2021). Tecnologia e Educação: implicações da era digital sobre a prática docente. Educação Sem Distância - Revista Eletrônica Da Faculdade Unyleya, 1(3). Retrieved from https://educacaosemdistancia.emnuvens.com.br/esd/article/view/74



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